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Crispy Update

  • Coco will have strabismus surgery on March 17. At least, she has spring break to start the recovery. She’s nervous. So is mom. But we’ve been through it before, and I trust her doctor.
  • I’m working through the Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook, using Scrivener in two screens–the answered workbook question on one side of the screen and the manuscript text on the other. It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s easier for me than shifting from pen and paper to keyboard. Everything’s right in front of me. Cherry said this morning, “All you ever do is write.” She wasn’t happy when she said it. Which should give you a clue about the amount of time I’m spending in my office.
  • I saw parents of a former student at Lowe’s yesterday. He’s working on a PhD. in Theatre History. I can’t help but be proud.
  • Press the green tab that reads, Schooled, at the top of the page to see a few images from my book. I’ll add more research when time allows.
  • I worked in the garden yesterday. I’d love to post photos, but so far there’s nothing to see. It’s still winter. We have broccoli and chard. Not much else. Bacon’s working on hardscape–laying pavers today.
  • Cherry starts TAKS testing this week with her writing exam.
  • I finished judging the Golden Heart entries. From a writer’s perspective, it’s interesting to read other entries . I find a cliche and think, “Did I do that?” Then, I open my manuscript and change the thing that drives me crazy.

4 thoughts on “Crispy Update

  1. Hello Liz

    You have been most difficult to find. I ran across a website for Karen Baker who found your web page and directed me to it. I hope you are well. It would appear that you have two girls now and I would assume you are in San Antonio from the pictures. I am married and still live in Mustang. Let me know how you are doing via email.


  2. Best of luck with the surgery. One of my twins has had to have a lot of surgeries over the years. It’s a hard thing for the whole family. I’ll be thinking of you.

    And great job going through the WTBN! It’s a lot of work, but wow does it show up on the page.


    1. Thanks Lauri, No matter how much knowledge you gather or what you know that’s logical, it’s tough to see your kids go through a hard time. I know the surgery will help her to see better. It’s essential, but still difficult.

      Thanks for your encouragement about the WTBN. I can see the difference the work is making, but it is really time consuming. I just have to keep at it.


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