Just One Thing · Writers Write

Frustration-Day 5

If writing a novel isn’t hard enough, try consolidating all the pages into one page. It’s called a query. It’s how a writer convinces an agent to represent the work. In two-hundred words or less, explain the essence of a story in a way that makes a publishing professional want to read more. Nevermind that the average literary agent receives a gadzillion email queries a month. Nevermind that a writer has one chance to get it right with that agent. Nevermind that the delete key is located perilously close to the agent’s pinky finger.

8 thoughts on “Frustration-Day 5

  1. Uh! The agony. How on EARTH am I supposed to put all of this story into one teeny tiny little logline?
    I love how organized your work space is. Organization helps me think and process much better. I can’t wait to get to the querying stage again.


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