
Goals for the week of 1/14/08


1.  Write morning pages every day.   I use the method described in Julia Cameron’s books.  I write three pages longhand or 15 minutes at the keyboard.  These pages are absolute drivel.  They are unreadable nonsense, but they get out all the “I’m so mads” and “I forgot tos” and “I can’t believe the high cost of soy milk.”  It’s junk.  I do it first thing every day.  If I don’t, I’m unfit company.  It gets the carping out of the way.

2.  Finish the outline for my current work in progress including the subplots and scene by scene synopsis.  I have written into this plot line about 100 pages.  It was enough to get into the main character’s head.  I’ve divided the story into four acts or turning points.  Each act has its own title.  Thank you CrusieMayer.com for the structure cues.  It’s a great online workshop.  Check it out at http://www.crusiemayer.com/workshop/

3.  Buy a new computer and set it up.  I’m biting the bullet and buying a new MacBook.   I’m going to the Apple store on Monday.  If they have all I need, then I’m walking out with it.  If not, I’ll order from Apple.com.  My little iBook still works just fine, but it is a 2002 G3 without a wireless card.  I’ve been writing  with AppleWorks software.  It’s time to finally buy a copy of Word and quit converting files. It will take some adjustment, but I’m one of those people that learn by doing. 

3 thoughts on “Goals for the week of 1/14/08

  1. Checking in here on my goals.
    1. I have written the morning pages.
    2. I haven’t worked a minute on the outline.
    3. I bought the computer, set up a wireless network at home, got the old computer working with a new battery and a wireless card, downloaded software to the new computer, and have been transferring files to the new machine.

    The computer stuff has eaten the week. I’ll get to work on #2 tomorrow.


  2. I really like the MacBook. My favorite new thing about it is Spaces. I can keep several applications open at once and push a few keys and completely change the desktop. So cool for writing and research at the same time.


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